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94pcs Deap Sea Mechanical Submarine Model Building Kit-Elusive Nautilus

Original price was: $89.99.Current price is: $45.00.

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SKU: RR2SYHCP72LL Category:

94pcs Deap Sea Mechanical Submarine Model Building Kit-Elusive Nautilus

According to a report in Opusculum Taisnieri published in 1562: Two Greeks submerged and surfaced in the river Tagus near the City of Toledo several times in the presence of The Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, without getting wet and with the flame they carried in their hands still alight.


Quantity of parts, pcs 91
Difficulty level, from 1 to 8 6
Hours to assemble (average) 8
Model size (cm) 21 5 7
Model size (inch) 8.26 x 1.96 x 2.75
Package size M


Sea and ocean depths contain lots of secrets. So, underwater travel dreams have always been in the hands of inventors and engineers.Jules Verne’sbook 20 Thousand Leagues under the Sea was the first diesel punk novel dedicated to the underwater journey. She was a motivation to designers and engineers to come up with the submarine prototypes.

Deep-sea vehicle prototypes appeared in the early Middle Ages, but it wasuntil 1620 that the first successful submarinetests happened in England.

Presently, underwater vehicles are the most intricate mechanical-electronic systems that can manage several months of underwater trips and explore the deepest depths of oceans in the world.


The Elusive Nautilus is made frommaintainable food-grade stainless steel certifiedfor consumer goods and toys.

Cutting the set precisely does away with the likelihood of being cut during the process of assembly. The parts closely fit into each other, and there will not be any resulting joint problems.

The brushed metal’s pleasant tactile impressions, durability, and aesthetics constructively differentiate steel parts from plastic or wooden ones used in other constructors.

The model assembling process and the outcome inthe finished model form will be a pleasure to you, giving the feeling of a discoverer and design engineer.

The model assembling process and the outcome in the finished model form will be a pleasure to you,giving the feeling of a discovererand design engineer.

The “Elusive Nautilus” model can qualify for an award, valuable trophy, or become a section of a room design or themed fitting devoted to an underwater trip. Besides, the model will beautify your aquarium and turn out to be a favorite element for its inhabitants.

The submarine is made up of a spring mechanism that is kicked off by rotating the model’s bow. Controlling the mechanism involvespressing the periscope, which rotates the submarine’s propeller, initiating its movement into the ocean’s depths.

The impression of functional mechanisms will fulfil your interest in the mechanics’ secrets and turn out to be your friends’ bright icon of attraction.

Appropriate flat packaging created from maintainable eco-friendly cardboard integratesfirmness and the aesthetics of a status gift.


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